The Iceberg

Solarity as peak performance Meta-Network and first Multi-Metaverses provider.

18 min readAug 20, 2021

TLDR: Unlocking Creator Economies like never before.


The need for Meta-Networks

What the world has started to experience is people harnessing networks potential energy through recognizable and verifiable symbols of network participation (NFTs as Twitter pfp).

This is just the beginning of Meta-Networks and the first sign of their disruptiveness.

What’s preventing further advancements of Meta-Networks?

The main obstacles to the birth of Meta-Networks are infrastructural and heavy computational demands.

Humanity is getting close to achieving the needed internet connection speeds thanks to ever-growing 5G infrastructure (and to those that will come) to leverage on the almost ready Distributed-Tech Full-Stack (eg: Filecoin & Golem or Arweave & Akash) but we’re far behind in terms of understanding what’s going to change and what we’ll need to build to satisfy future demands.

Why Distributed Tech?
Higher fault tolerances and Full-Transparency, something that Big Tech Companies seem to have forgotten about.

Furthermore, being able to offload users' computational demands means lower costs for users and less stress over hardware maintenance.

The future is decentralized, it’s the path of least resistance.

Solarity, the ultimate Paradigm Shift

What’s so mind-blowing about Solarity?

Since blockchains unlocked Nano-Economical tools and Solana officially solved blockchains scalability, Solarity is just the first implementation of a Self-Sustainable Network in which Network fees will pay for the services offered.

That sounds like a perpetual motion machine, how’s that possible?

Due to market dynamics, Crypto-Networks have developed a certain topology.
They have the highest density of HNW-Individuals.

A small fee (1% / 0.3%) on a HNWI’s transaction (1–10M USD Transactions) means (100k = (1% of 10M) / 3k = (0.3% of 1M))

And Crypto Markets are open 24/7/365.

Even with smaller portions on those fees, we could be able to offer Distributed-Tech Suites for free to users, solving the biggest problem that crypto is facing right now: Mass Adoption.

Our Ideology

Crypto has always been about leveling the playing field and fully realizing those beautiful ideals that sparked the French Revolution & American Independence through the use of Predetermined Immutable and Transparent Agreements (Smart Contracts).

Throughout every feature designed to make Solarity work you’ll encounter, the inspiration to those ideals is quite self-evident.

Solarity is much more than a game

It’s the first implementation of a blockchain based Meta-Economy that leverages on Purposely-Engineered Hard-Coded Crypto-Incentives to achieve Self-Imposed Collective Goals.

What does this mean?
It means that we will develop the first Multi-Layer “Metaverse” based on the Solana blockchain and since we’re gifted with magnitudes of throughput never achieved before, we’ll offer users a never seen before Metaverse experience.

This Metaverse will be useful to the entire Solana Ecosystem because every project will be abjle to compound their user base with any other project through the utilization of a common flagship Metaverse.

That’s why in our Tokenomics we have designed a 30% Community Fund and we plan on auctioning both the governance tokens of the DAO and 10% of the initial token supply mainly to ecosystem projects treasuries (DAOs would be better, we hope that many will follow Mango’s footsteps) and entities that have high stakes in the future of Solana.
The proceeds of the auction will go to the newly formed Solarity DAO’s Treasury and Governance token holders will be able to control that treasury.

But building a DAPP isn’t exciting enough, we’re also aiming to do what Serum is doing for Meta-Economies but for Metaverses, by providing the computation needed and the tools to facilitate the development of planetary Metaverses (Just like Solarity).

(And by doing so with an Open-Source approach we’ll enrich the entire
code-base for Solana DAPPs)

Decentraland is a metaverse built for people with powerful computers,
Solarity will be a metaverse built for people without computers.

Open-Source? Of Course

Needless to say, any Intellectual Property produced by the Solarity DAO will be Open-Source, since it’s the most coherent choice to the ideals behind Crypto and Solarity.

The beauty of Open-Source Software is its free & unconditional composability. When done right, it advances all of humanity to higher standards in both performance and efficiency.

It’s pure technological Darwinism.

Ok, but what is Solarity actually about?

Solarity fixes the lack of mainstream adoption experienced by
crypto-networks by offering a permission-less 3D/3DVR Meta-Space
“self-powered” by a Cloud Computation Network and an Open-Source Engine built in Rust and designed to natively interact with blockchain states (Solana) to update “game” states and to have a common “transition function” to make the Computation Network as versatile and agile as possible.

Its aim is to unlock the full potentiality of open and permission-less
Meta-Economies through the introduction of a new, universally accessible Engine for content production and reproduction.

Being directly linked to Solana, the Solarity Engine enables creators to have Access Tokens (NFTs) as a way for people to access their contents.
It’s the ultimate Proof-Of-Ownership for digital content, granted by verifiable Engine’s versions directly connected to Solana.

Solarity is an impossible idea and that’s the beauty about it

This effectively annihilates contents piracy and provides a next-century performance-centric solution (to minimize latencies) both for content producers and content consumers, on top of making it a lot easier to bring scalability to the VR industry.

Giving meaning to the word “Metaverse”

The metaverse is where the truth lies.

For normies, any 3D Virtual World is called Metaverse.
For us, only Ethereum and Solana (and our intuition of their future) can be considered Metaverses.

The reason behind this classification is simply explained by the NFT phenomena:

Outside the consensus world (Ethereum or Solana or any other blockchain) the NFT’s metadata (JPEGs, MP3s, WEBMs or whatever) has literally no value and value naturally changes if the exact same metadata is linked to different NFTs.

The vision for Solarity is for something much bigger than a mere permission-less 3D Virtual World.

Merging consensus and distributed computation we want to build a true metaverse.

Since the Solana Blockchain is where the truth (Consensus) lies,
Solana would be the metaverse we have in mind.

Now some Solarity insights

The Meta-Space

Solarity will feature a spherical world design based on an “equally-tessellated sphere”, this eliminates those ugly borders created by flat Metaverses and brings back inclusivity and equality to the crypto industry and, thanks to the additional depth level, this design is able to harmonize the scarcity of the inner sphere with the unlimited expandability of the outer sphere.

This will set new standards for Metaverse’s User Experience.

Since earth isn’t flat, a spherical Meta-Space just feels like a natural choice.

(We couldn’t find a proper written description to present how the world would look like. For this reason, we’ve recently onboarded a crew of graphic designers to help us with that.)

This decision enables the unlock of an “Under World” , meaning the inside of our “Planet”, where space/volume is scarce by definition and, at the same time, a “Surface World” infinitely expandable towards outer space.

(More about this in the Economic Paper)

The Meta-Space will be engineered to have users experience less gravity the closer they get to the nucleus.

Inside the nucleus, there won’t be any gravity.

(This will be our first example of Block-chained Engine Parameters)

More detailed world structure

The most convenient design for an approximately spherical 3D world that has to be divided into equal parts is the Icosahedral Goldberg Polyhedron.

(This is not a math lesson)

Each Icosahedral Goldberg polyhedron will always have 12 pentagons on its surface (marked in RED in the picture) and N Hexagons depending on how many iterations of the generation algorithm are applied.

This enables us to have 12 unique tiles (Pentagons) among almost 3'141'593 total tiles, equally distanced from one another.

This is like having 12 Genesis Plazas.

(more about this in the coming papers)

(Math in the technical paper)

Growing the Meta-Network

The cool part about Solarity as a Meta-Network is that any source code produced about the DAPP & Engine will be public and accessible by anyone, allowing for creators to build their own Goldberg Polyhedron based planetary
Meta-Spaces by modifying Solarity’s parameters and populate Solana’s metaverse (non normies definition).

Like Serum lets you have your permissioned markets, Solarity will let you have your permissioned planetary metaverses.

Once the development is close to completion, Solarity will have Partner’s planetary Meta-Spaces physically orbiting Solarity that will be accessible either through Solarity the DAPP or through APIs directly from a browser.

Data structure for 3D Parcels

Each tile (Hexagon or Pentagon) is a cluster of NFTs, one for each depth or height level.

If adjacent tiles have the same owner, they can be “merged”. If adjacent tiles have different owners, there will be a margin area between tiles to allow for players to transit.

Owners of adjacent tiles can form Neighborhoods, a primitive form of a DAO.

(more about this in the coming papers)

Adjacent tiles that form Neighborhoods can be sold together if consensus is reached.

(more about this in the coming papers)

Solarity: Many modes for Any user


Solarity will feature 3 modes: Persistent Utility, Persistent Spectacular, and Survival Mode

We have an Economic Paper almost ready to be shipped that describes a huge amount of use cases and possibilities enabled by these 3 modes, with their own business models, sorted by the lowest “tier of metaverse” they require.
(Metaverse tiers explained later in the article)

The main difference between these game modes is contents renderability (Utility vs Spectacular) and Avatar’s immortality (Both Persistent) or mortality (Survival).

(more about this in the coming papers)

The Survival Mode is properly explained later, we’ll need to introduce new kinds of NFTs first.

Persistent Utility & Spectacular Modes

It’s clear that VR headsets could be the solution needed to make smart working as efficient as in-office working (or more) through the introduction of VR at Home-Offices.

This could bring back and enhance co-workers synergies lost after the covid-19 pandemic and augment overall productivity through the utilization of VR technologies.

A priority in Solarity’s development is to offer competitive Open-Source options to smart workers to have office-like co-workers interactions.

A parallel priority is to offer 3D Control Rooms for Smart Contracts operators to leverage on 3D/3DVR UI to bring simplicity and intuitiveness to the Crypto Worlds.

(more about this in the coming papers)

Last but not least;

Developing audited templates of code for p2p smart contract interactions (between “Avatars”) for primitive functions to let the builders of the future have the tools we wished we had.

“Avatars” are NFTs and a single public address can have more than a single account/avatar. In Solarity you “exist” through an avatar.

These options, combined with a permission-less 3D/3DVR virtual world represent the Persistent Utility Mode of Solarity.

Leveraging on the hidden part of the “Iceberg” (Cloud Computing Network) Solarity will also offer users a Persistent Spectacular Mode.

In this mode, users will have access to many pre-computed or live-computed “Experiences” from DAO-sponsored creators or any other creator.

Creators will be able to have NFTs as digital tickets for such experiences or choose to make them accessible by anyone.
This can easily be done with the Solarity Engine and the Solana blockchain.
(The hard part is building the engine)

The engine makes cloud computation providers life easier by having a universal computation standard for media content and makes creators life easier by providing a free source of content production and a natural way to protect their contents from piracy thanks to Non-Fungible Access Tokens, “NFATs”.

(Clients would need to have NFATs in their wallet to access such contents and it would be verified through the Solarity Engine on the Miner’s side, please be patient this part is covered later)

This truly is the Multimedia Revolution.

Ready Player One, a movie about a virtual reality

Unlocking Emotions — (non)Technical Overview

Following the steps taken by the De-Fi ecosystem developers, our goal is to provide optimally designed building blocks to be combined by future builders to offer a constantly improving User-Experience.

Collecting Data

The simplest way to unlock emotion (while not having to put copper diodes in your brain), is to use a predetermined Emotion classifier, like the one below, and assign tagged 3D assets to any emotion.

(more about this in the coming papers)

When users register to Solarity they’ll have the chance to create their Avatar.
On top of the avatar creation, users can fill a questionnaire or manually tune their avatar’s emotion triggers.
(Choosing what tagged assets “trigger” what emotions)

This feature can be used by developers and creators to generate pre-tailored experiences for any user, based on their emotional triggers.

An avatar basically is a Tamagotchi that you can control and re-sell.
(That can die if it’s tagged Survival Mode)

Automatically Tailored Experiences

A very powerful infrastructural tool to create tomorrow’s multimedia contents is an archive of tagged 3D assets that lets creators build unique 3D/3DVR experiences for each “Avatar”.

This is also fundamental if the goal is interactive multimedia content.

VR is about unlocking emotions, having an archive filled with semantically tagged assets combined with Avatar’s emotion triggers is the key to the New Media.

(more about this in the coming papers)

This doesn’t mean selling or disclosing your private data, this system can be used to have hilarious experiences:

Let’s say you set “Never gonna give you up” as a Sadness Emotion Trigger, if a creator wants to trigger sadness in a particular scene (let’s say a funeral), your avatar would start to hear that song and that would create a humorous situation because you know… that’s not really a song for funerals.
(GenZ Humor)

Another funny experience such as this one could be tagging “Bitcoin Maxis” as Fear Emotion Triggers.

It’s way too easier to interact with non-3D tagged assets, such as audio files and pictures/videos that are simply projected on a surface.
3D assets would have to be constrained to their scripted animations and this could create problems but AI and NN might help in fixing the 3D asset animation (This is pure speculation)

This archive can also be used to let users have a Black-List of contents that they want to be censored, or at least be warned before they’re “computed” (rendered). Like spiders for an arachnophobic user.

The hardest part with the archive idea is to have intelligence/artificial intelligence to tag 3D assets, effectively filling the archive with referenceable contents tagged based on the content’s semantics.

We plan on solving this issue with the introduction of a Reputational Token of which holders will have unique rewards, especially after the programmed
DAO Self-Destruction.

These features also let users have the possibility to enable Solarity’s Analytics and earn native tokens in exchange for Self-Targeted Ads
(you choose your interests).

(Any kind of DAO produced Analytic will be accessible by anyone for free)

Blockchain-ed Engine’s Assets

Mega-NFTs & Hacking

Mega-NFTs are clusters of granular NFTs or other Mega-NFTs.

Adopting the Mega-NFT format gives freelancers and smaller teams a very powerful tool for trustless and transparent collaborations

Hacked Mega-NFTs are Mega-NFTs with un-authorized modifications to parameters. Hacked NFTs are flagged as “Hacked”.

Hackers are a feature, not a bug.

Only the owner of a Mega-NFT can approve modifications to the parameters.

If the Mega-NFT hacked is something as complex as an NPC, we like to talk about Bio-Hacking and Mecca-Hacking.

(more about this in the coming papers)

Consumable Mega-NFTs vs Non-Consumable Mega-NFTs vs Dispenser Mega-NFTs

As our main economic machine will be the Survival Mode, we had to design NFTs standards that fitted our needs.

This includes consumables Mega-NFTs that modify game states needs once consumed.

The most obvious example is an “Apple” Mega-NFT that satisfies the “Hunger” indicator when its NFT is burned by a Survival Mode Avatar.

Another basic example is NFT Ammunition for NFT Guns: A creator can design a Mega-NFT representing a weapon that uses ammunition and can only be recharged by NFT-Authenticated ammunitions.
(By relying on the Solarity Engine there’s no need to burn an NFT each time a bullet is shot to guarantee that “bullets” aren’t made out of thin air)

Same can be applied to a “Flying Car” that can only fly/drive if refueled with some NFT-Authenticated fuel.

These use-cases open the doors for another use-case: Dispenser Mega-NFTs.

Creators will have the ability to place “Dispensers” (also Mega-NFTs) of either consumable or non-consumable game assets (= of other Mega-NFTs) that are minted after the Dispenser’s conditions are met.

(more about this in the coming papers)

This lets creators have full control over their creations and even on their secondary effects.

Here’s the difference between Consumable and Non-Consumable Mega-NFTs.

(more about this in the coming papers)

Metaplex NFTs

We are aware of Metaplex’s NFTs Standards and we hope to soon be able to interact with the Metaplex Team to discuss further interactions of our communities.

Explaining the Meta-Network


Reputational Token-Based System

We’ll have a Token-based Reputational-System for any address interacting with Solarity, to incentivize quality content interactions and disincentivize “smurf” accounts and relative attack vectors.

The Non-Transferable Reputational Tokens will be used to have an additional
on-chain metric of project’s contribution, mainly for Builders and Creators.

(more about this in the coming papers)

Since it’s quite popular to be inspired by famous collections (eg. Crypto Punks) to mint own modified collections, we want to introduce the feature
(and hopefully good habit) for creators to add an “inspirational address” that will receive a fixed or variable percentage on royalties chosen by the “Inspired” creator.

Doing so is one of the ways to earn Solarity’s Reputational Non-Transferable Tokens (NOT RELEASED YET).

NFT-based Social Networks

An example of the utilization of a plateau of “Reputable” addresses is the creation of an NFT-Collection of Internet Memes where the retribution to the creator of the memes is granted by these Reputational Token Holders.

(This is not a perfect system and the only way to make this work is to have a well tuned algorithm for Reputational Tokens Distribution to maximize chances of having active and honest Token Holders)

Survival Mode — Creators Freedom & Control

Creators have full control over their creations as long as their creations are Blockchain-Bound and not just a JPEGs.

This explains why creators should really care about what platform they use and plan to utilize for their contents deployment.

We introduced different classifications of Mega-NFTs and now we’ll give them a practical overview and use-cases.

Any kind of service can be offered as a Mega-NFT.

To achieve peak performance in the development of Solarity we plan on linking a Token-Based Economy to a Needs-Based permission-less Survival World.

The best way for creators to be fairly retributed for their creations is to directly monetize them thanks to an underlying blockchain (Solana) and an already developed market infrastructure (Serum).

By hard-coding some player’s survival needs and providing creators with the right tools to create NFT-backed Assets that satisfy their needs, we effectively will build the greatest Creator Economy witnessed so far on planet earth.

(more about this in the coming papers)

As the name suggests, Avatars can die in Survival Mode.

Each time a Survival Mode Tagged Avatar dies, every Survival Mode Tagged NFTs in the Avatar’s possession are collected automatically and stored in a “Chest of forgotten items”.

From there, any public address can bid for NFTs and after 24h from the first positive bid (at least equal to the Transaction costs), the auction is over.

Time can be dilated if a bid is submitted in the last 5 mins.
(The formal mechanics are explained in the technical paper.)

(more about this in the coming papers)

On top of the Chest of forgotten items mechanic, when Survival Mode Tagged Avatars die, their VERSE tokens are channeled in a funds container that re-injects capital into the “Adiabatic” Economy to act as an incentive for users to choose Survival Mode.

This capital re-injection feature combined with “physical” Easter Eggs hunts in the virtual world is Solarity’s first iteration of a Play2Earn mechanism.

(more about this in the coming papers)

This is a complete and comprehensive overview of Solarity’s Meta-Economy.

(more about this in the coming papers)

(The formal mechanics are explained in the technical paper.)

Explaining the hidden part of the iceberg

(Our) — Metaverses classification

We’re gonna use the normies definition of Metaverse in this document.
At the end of this article, these tiers are explained with YouTube videos.

Tier 0: Non-Interactable 360’ VR Closed-verse or Open-verse
Rail-guided (pre or live)-computed experiences on which the user has no range of interaction.

Tier 1: Single-User Live-Interactable Closed-verse
Interactive single-user live-computed experiences on which the user has partial or full control. (eg. 3D/3DVR Mini-Games)

Tier 2: Multi-User Live-Interactable Closed-verse
Interactive multi-user live-computed experiences on which the users have partial or full control. (eg. 3D/3DVR multiplayer Mini-Games)

Tier 3: Multi-User Live-Interactable Open-verse (=Multi-Metaverse)
Interactive multi-user live-computed experiences on which the users have partial or full control that can simultaneously and flawlessly hosts lower tiers of Meta-Verses. (eg. 3D/3DVR Virtual Worlds)

Solarity Engine:

Providing a universal standard of computation for “Meta-Verse” contents, allowing to build a P2P Computing Network on top of it to achieve maximum scalability for VR contents.

We’re building the missing piece for an Open-Verse, a universal engine for content production and reproduction that anyone can use for free, relying on the Solana blockchain to also provide immunity to Contents Piracy.

(more about this in the coming papers)

(The formal mechanics are explained in the technical paper.)

How to find funds for that? Engineer a peak performance Meta-Network.

(more about this in the coming papers)

(The formal mechanics are explained in the technical paper.)

Early Decentralization

Achieving early decentralization is the top priority and deploying, perfecting, and auditing the DAO smart contract and the utility tokens burn mechanism to get governance tokens, will be our main focus for the coming weeks.

We plan on hosting a MangoDAO-Like auction for 10% of the initial utility token supply and the entirety of the Governance tokens.

Founding members of the DAO will be able to govern the funds raised through their newly acquired Governance tokens.

(more about this in the coming papers)

(The formal mechanics are explained in the economic paper.)

Governance Overview

This is an overview of how the DAO Governance should work and how it lets the DAO and its associates interact with the rest of the Meta-Economy’s agents through Smart Contracts that need to be approved by the Governance token holders so that they can automatically transfer funds from the treasury to the targeted addresses.

(The DAO will probably need some form of authentication on the public address that’s receiving the funds to avoid scams and mistakes)

(more about this in the coming papers)

(The formal mechanics are explained in the technical paper.)

(more about this in the coming papers)

The formal mechanics are explained in the economic paper.)

DAO Self-Destruction

Development is complete if governance token holders
“press the Red Button of self-destruct”.

(more about this in the coming papers)

Karma (Reputational) token holders vote on Self-Destruct to allow it or prevent it from happening.

There are a lot of ways for people to obtain Reputational Tokens, we’ll explore those ways in the coming papers.

(The formal mechanics are explained in the technical paper.)

(more about this in the coming papers)

When development is “complete” (DAO is self-destructed):
Revenue of the protocol (fees) goes 50% to the top 20% Karma holders and 50% weight-based to Utility Token Holders.

(more about this in the coming papers)

(The formal mechanics are explained in the technical paper.)

Treasury: Proactive & Retroactive funding for public goods

Funding teams for useful additions to Solarity.

DAO’s operations funding function used to pay for developers at an optimal incentive rate

(more about this in the coming papers)

(The formal mechanics are explained in the economic paper.)

High-level Meta-Economy overview

We like to call Solarity the “Black-Hole Machine for Mass-Adoption”.

(more about this in the coming papers)

4 Metaverse tiers explained by videos

Tier 0: Non-Interactable 360’ VR Metaverses

(The formal mechanics are explained in the technical paper.)

(more about this in the coming papers)

Tier 1: Single-User Live-Interactable Closed-verse

Tier 2: Multi-User Live-Interactable Closed-verse

Tier 3: Multi-User Live-Interactable Open-verse (Multi-Metaverses)


Author: @thesensatore, Rocco Pardini
Contributions: Francesco Lanzi, Thomas Meta (@oraziogrinzosih), Edoardo Bovati, Paolo Croci.

